Sourcing Consulting report
Regardless of a company’s size, it is often challenging for companies to find the right manufacturer or supplier to fulfil their needs.
Factors contributing to their difficulties include an absence of physical presence in the supply market, lack of understanding of a countries industrial culture and confusion regarding the regulations and language of the supply country.
Hence, clients often face complications in acquiring the product they desire.
We, Legend Consultancy, support businesses with their operations, catering to the client’s specific requirements. We aim to make the process simple for you.
First and foremost, a clear understanding of the client’s requirements and objectives is vital to commence the process.
Following this, Legend Consultancy will conduct significant market research and negotiate competitive prices with leading manufacturers and suppliers.
Using the results, an individualized detailed report will be published and offered to the client. This summarizes the key outcomes of the process and offers the client further guidance.
– A comprehensive list of the leading local vendors and manufacturers
– A Detailed price quote obtained from the manufacturer
– Additional information that is required for completion of the process such as MOQ, shipping cost etc.
– Product Development
– comparing multiple quotes
– reviews on the manufacturers and suppliers
Detailed Price Quote: The quote from the manufacturer/supplier will be directly shared with you at no extra charges i.e. Commission.
We value providing you with a transparent service and will act as your partner in the purchase.
After receiving their individualized detailed report, the client is provided with the option of completing the purchase independently, or to continue working alongside Legend Consultancy.
Choosing the latter will include full project management, from product specification to product installation. For further reference and a detailed explanation of this, please refer to the project management service section.